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Question: Black and white silent films!?
I've got a question!. What's the point of the actors/actresses even bother saying a script and no one can hear what they are saying anyways on screen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, if they just sat their the film wouldnt be any good, plus their facial expressions and shape of their mouths would have to go with the subtitles, for example dont you hate when your watching a film and the Audio and Video become out of sync, it looks stupid and it gets annoying, this is the same thing, if they were just moving their mouth but not to the words it would look idiotic!.


It has to do with acting and presence!.
Whether you are believable or not!.
You should have a handle on the story line and the part you are being considered before you get in there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com