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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Show choir auditions. HELP!!?

Question: Show choir auditions!. HELP!!!?
Ok!. So I have the dancing down!. Now for the singing, I am not a very good singer!. I am planning on trying out as an alto!. My singing would be better but my voice isnt very strong and tends to give out very easily!. Any exercises I could do to help me have a stronger voice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

So you're trying out for show choir! That's great--I'm in show choir at my high school and it's one of the most fun things I've ever experienced!.

If you're not too sure about your voice, you're wise to want to try out as an alto!. If you're interested to know your range and where your voice "breaks" (changes from "chest tone" to "head tone"), sing up the scale without worrying about how your voice sounds!. Your voice should noticably break on a certain pitch every time!. This may change as you get older, but for now it's good to know where your "break" is and to avoid singing notes in that area, at least during an audition!.

As for making your voice stronger, the key is breathing!. I'm no vocal coach, but I do know that you can't breathe from your chest!. You've probably heard this a million times, but you should breathe from your diaphragm (the area right below your belly button)!. When you take a breath, it should feel as if you have an innertube of air expanding right above the waistline of your pants (strange explanation, but that's what my voice teacher tells me and it helps)!. To check and make sure you're breathing right, put one hand on your chest and one right below your belly button while singing!. The hand on your chest should not be rising and falling, but the hand below your belly button should be!.

also, every time you take a breath while singing it should be a RELAXED breath!. When we go higher we tend to start sucking in large amounts of air rapidly and this puts strain on the muscles that control the voice!. Breathe as often as you want (for now, that is; later on you'll learn to only breathe in certain places), as long as it's a relaxed breath!.

Other than breathing, just start singing a little every day--up and down the scale on a vowel ("ah" or "oo" are easiest) to help you build your range and your confidence!.

Good luck, I hope you get in!Www@QuestionHome@Com