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Question: Very nervous!!?
okay so im going to a jrp agency for an audition tomorrow, and i get super nervous saying lines or singing in front of people! so can u guys please give me some advice on how to calm my nerves and all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you think and appear confident, you will feel much better!
Before you audition - take a few deep breaths, smile and whatever you do, DON'T BACK OUT! if you turn and run away instead of just going out and doing it, you will probably never let yourself live it down!.
If you get get to watch other people audition (i don't know if you will or not) try to analyse their performances, figure out what went wrong so that you won't let the same thing happen to you!. it will give yourself a huge self-esteem boost!
As you go on through the audition, it will get easier!. The hardest part is probably having to walk out onto the stage or wherever it is you are auditioning!. Once you are out there (as cliche as it sounds) you will feel yourself becoming steadily more confident!. Remind yourself of other successful auditions , performances etc!. that you have been in!. you CAN do it!!
If you make a mistake, don't let it get you down!. Think about what went well, and the good points of the audition!.
And remember - if you are scared of an audition, how on earth will you perform in the real thing!? Good luck, i really hope you do well!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

picture everyone in their underwear DUHHH!.

hehe :]Www@QuestionHome@Com