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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Acting career advice?Please!!!!!!!?

Question: Acting career advice!?Please!!!!!!!!?
Okay I am 17 years old and I would love to get into acting, but the only problem is I am very shy and nervous about working and meeting new people!. I look at acting as an art/side hobby for me but that is only thing keeping me back my fears!. What should I do!? Should I still get into acting!? I'm a very shy and quiet person and I'm afraid people won't like me because of that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best way to get into acting and over-coming the 'stage-fright' is to join your local amateur dramatics club (there will usually be about 3 or 4 around you) yes, granted they can be full of old dears and eccentric single mums, but it's the perfect place to begin developing characters and getting over that fear!.!.!.then you can start applying for extra work and maybe looking into representation!.!.!.

Just a side note, with a lot of actors (me included) the stage-fright never completely goes away, but this is a good thing, and totally natural - I personally love the frightening rush I get sitting on that stage just before the curtain goes up!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com