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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Need your opinions.?

Question: Need your opinions!.!?
So last year for the play in the pamphlet they forgot my name!. This year the director seems very snooty, obnoxious, and unforgiving!. If she doesn't put my name in my name this year I was thinking about saying that I'm not going to do anything for her and she can do this play without me!. Should I do it if she does!? I sense this coming and I'm tired listening to her b**** about how bad we are and how we're stressing her out!. She once called the actors pathetic!. And she screams!.!.!. loud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If she forgets your name, just wait until the night of the play to tell her you aren't going to do it because if you aren't on the pamphlet you're not in the play!. Or announce it onstage that she forgot your name on purpose and embarass her!. Either one would teach her a lesson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can you get a chance to look over the pamplet before it goes to print!? Or, say something jokingly to her about how your name was left off last time and you don't want it to happen again!?

Take her thoughtless comments with a grain of salt!. She apparently is stressing out and is taking it out on the actors!.
Don't do anything unprofessional just because she's acting like an idiot!. Take pride in your work and try to ignore her criticisms!. Cheers!Www@QuestionHome@Com