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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is acting a good idea? Please read and help!!I'm confused?

Question: Is acting a good idea!? Please read and help!!I'm confused!?
Okay I am 17 years old and I would love to get into acting, but the only problem is I am very shy and nervous about working and meeting new people!. I look at acting as an art/side hobby for me but that is only thing keeping me back my fears!. What should I do!? Should I still get into acting!? I'm a very shy and quiet person and I'm afraid people won't like me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are shy and quiet, acting can really help give you some confidence!. Even if you are only looking to do drama as a side hobby, the public speaking skills and confidence it will give you if you are successful will translate into other parts of your life - giving a company presentation, doing a job interview!.

Actors are generally extroverted and loud, so if you're nervous about meeting new people, the people you'll be meeting will probably be friendly and if you're shy and quiet they may go out of their way to draw you out of your shell!. But they'll probably like you, especially since if you're quiet and shy they won't see you as a threat!.

Your quietness will not help you at an audition - directors often sit at the back of the theatre to make sure they can hear you!. You have to learn to project your voice, without shouting!. Taking a drama class is a good way to start out - you don't have to deal with auditions until you've had some training!. However, you will have to present a monologue in front of the class, and most likely take critiques from your peers, so you have to be able to take direction and not take it personally!.

Acting can do great things for your self esteem if you're successful!. There is nothing in the world quite as satisfying and thrilling as standing on a stage in front of a cheering, applauding crowd!. But you have to be stable enough starting out to know that when a director is giving you notes, they aren't criticizing you, they're just trying to make you the best actor you can be!.

It can be scary at first - stage fright is horrible, but can be overcome!. If you're nice to people, they'll generally be nice to you, unless they're just mean people - but actors are a naturally social breed!. I guaruntee you will make new friends if you get cast in a play!.

I used to be really quiet and shy, until someone told me or I read in a book - I can't remember - that the best way to gain confidence is to pretend you have it!. Even if you're trembling inside!. No one's going to call you on it!. And eventually, you'll forget you're pretending!.

It worked for me!. I've been in high school plays for the past three years, usually getting a lead role!. So go for it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you attractive!?!?!.!.!.That would be a BIG +!.!.!.!.!.You probly would get over alot of the shyness!.!.!.!.Thing here is, you found something you WANT !!!.!.!.You don't know how IMPORTANT that can be!!.!.!.!.My Vote is GO FOR IT!!!!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.as far as jobs go, we will Always need more people in this field, even if you don't get BIG time , you probly make a good salary!.!.!.MY OPINION only!!!.!.!.!.good luck!!!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com