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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Acting Crisis...Doubting my own abilities...Please HELP me...?

Question: Acting Crisis!.!.!.Doubting my own abilities!.!.!.Please HELP me!.!.!.!?
Recently, i have been thinking that maybe i am not a good actress!. I feel so bummed 'cause my friend gets all the attention as being a great actress and i dont know!.!.!? I know im NOT jealous of her, so Please dont say that i am!.
I have this part and i really want to make something of it, but its not easy, i dont sound right in my head when i say the lines, and i dont know what others think of my performance!.

Our drama teacher, (who is like obsessed with her) says to her always, i want to see you in the lead of!.!.!.!.!. or Youre one of the top actresses in the school!. All im thinking is HEY!!! im here toooo :(!!!!!!! lol <--(but not really!)

Have you ever been through that!?!? How did you get over it!?

I dont know what to do!. Its so depressing!.!. Please help me!!

How can you tell if you are good!? What can you do to improve you acting abilities and prove that you are more than just a person reading some lines!?!?

PLease ONLY positive words!. NOTHING negative Please!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
unfortuneatley its all part of being an actor!. If you read any interview with other actors you will learnthat these little fumbles or slips is what made them who they are today!.!. you just have to keep pushing, if you want it bad enough you will make it!.!.
also as much as you dont want to hear the negative, you can greatly achieve more success learning what isnt working for you!. so i would ask others around you to tell you what they think, you need to hear the negative also with the positiveWww@QuestionHome@Com

im tellin u hold on to ur dreams, u can make itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never, ever doubt your talent! Always believe in yourself even if your not cast!. It doesn't neccessarily mean you weren't good enough, it usually just means you were not right for that particular part!. This may not help but here's my experience!. Several years ago, I auditioned for the musical "Grease"!. Now granted, up until that time I had no prior acting experience!. I walked in absolutely terrified!. I did the audition and several days later was cast in the second male lead!. Now imagine my horror when I learned that I was going to sing one of the most popular numbers from that show, "Greased Lightning"!. Anyhow, there were far more experienced actors that were cast in that show!. When I would show up at rehearsals, I literally wanted to walk out because I just didn't think I was as good as the other actors!. To make a long story short, I hung with it and one of the most exciting things I discovered came from the audience!. Almost every night after we we performed that number, the audience literally stood up and gave us a standing ovation!. That was the moment that made me realize that all the sweat and tears were diffinately worth it! Ive auditioned for numerous plays since then and havn't always landed such big parts!. Keep in mind, rejection is always a part of acting and you have to accept it as constructive criticism and move on!. As an actor, you are constantly learning new ideas and techniques and are always trying to improve!. If you know deep within your heart of hearts that acting is what you want to do then go for it!. Audition, audition and audition some more!. There is never such a thing as a perfect actor!. We are always learning our craft!. Keep your head up and be the best that you can be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its difficult cos acting is such a big thing to say if u r 'good' or bad is vague i feel!. Im currently a training actor and im surrounded by individuals who are terrible at naturilistic acting but excel in theatrical!. With so many different acting styles u tend to be stronger at other things!. When i was doing my BTECH In Acting my first performance was terrible!. At the time i didnt really know, but as learned more i was able to anaylse myself!. e!.g!. i performed Dr!.Faustus and when i sat down the night of the show and looked back, i thought what a pile of crap lol!. If you been given a good part clearly ure teacher, despite the fact she gives more attention to someone else, believes u r talented!. Drama is one of those thing that the highs are amazing and the lows are depressing!. But u go thru them and they make you a strong person and actor!. Good luck with your show, just focus on characterisation!. how they stand, how they talk!. Its sound patronising but its the basics that lead you being a strong performer!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I spent 17 years in New York, and learned a couple of things: you will always learn more from your so-called 'failures' than your successes!. They're absolutely right, it is the nature of the business!. And there will always be people who are better than you are!. But there will also always be people who are not as good as you!. Unless you are prepared to deal with virtual constant rejection, and set backs, you are in the wrong business!. The people who 'make it' (and there are many ways to make it, not just becoming famous which is an obsession in this day) do so by perservering!. Stay the course!. Study!. Audition, over and over again!. I know it's not much consolation, but you are still fairly young!. It's a big world, and you will have more opportunities!. Part of 'talent' is being prepared to take advantage of opporunities when they come your way, and they will!. You have to keep your head up and keep on keeping on!. All the best to you!. Believe in yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com