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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do I get my daughter in a commercial?

Question: How do I get my daughter in a commercial!?
People have always said to us!.!.!."You gotta get her into commercials!" Our daughter is just a character! She is taking a drama class at school and her teacher has mentioned how well she is doing and would like to see her go somewhere with it!. Our daughter has always wanted to do commercials and has also mentioned this to us before!. Can she audition for a commercial without having an agent!? Where do I find out about local commercials!? I don't even know where to start!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you want to land her jobs, she's got to get an agent!. Here's my guide:

1!. Training!. Acting/Dancing/Singing classes are a good start!. You start to get some talent under your belt, and grow your confidence!. Plus, if after about a year of classes if you realize you really don't like it, it'll be easier for you to back out!.

2!. Experience!. Do Community Theater, act in your school play, get in some student films, etc!. You'll want to do as many productions as possible to have a great resume!.

3!. Agent!. http://www!.soyouwanna!.com/site/syws/tale!.!.!.

As you can see, you're going to need to spend at least two years (At the VERY least!. Usually you'll need three to four!.) building yourself up!. You'll want to make sure this is what you really want to do before you start getting into this!.

also, you should NEVER have to pay for anything when it comes to getting an agent!. If an agent tells you to take special classes from them or a website asks for a credit card number, that is a red flag that it is a scam!. Some of the big scammers out there are: John Robert Powers, Millie Lewis, John Casablancas, Model Look, Barbizon!.

Hope this helps you and I hope you go on to have a fantastic career!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If i were you, find an agent!. I dont think that you can get into it without one as they get mailed the audition dates & things!. Youve made a good start at school!.!.!.maybe try out some after-school stage schools (like stagecoach, if u get what i mean) if u can afford them!. The teachers at these will be able to help you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people do not realize that commercial acting is the top of acting jobs, not the bottom!. It takes an agent to get a role!. Do a web search for Talent Agents in (Your City)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just ask a theatre rep and see what they say!. sometimes at theatres they have auditions!Www@QuestionHome@Com