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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does anybody know the basic plot of Blood Brothers?

Question: Does anybody know the basic plot of Blood Brothers!?
NO longer than about 2 paragraphs!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This would be for the edexcel coursework - yes!?!?!?

Mrs Johnstone has a big family husband walked out while she was expecting another baby - or so she thought she starts working for Mrs Lyons a lady who cannot have children!. She finds out that she is expecting twins and tells Lyons that she cannot afford them both so Lyons offers to take one - she umms and ahhs about it and gives one up!. After some doubts and swearing on the bible that is!. Mrs Lyons gets paranoid and fires Mrs J - the boys then meet aged 7 but then Mrs J and family and Mickey (her twin) gets relocated to the country!. Mrs Lyons also moves away to the same area and the boys meet up again!.

Both twins (Edward and Mickey) fall in love with Linda Mickey finds out Linda is having an affair with Edward!. HOlds him up with a gun and as he is being told about the fact that they are brothers sets the gun off by mistake and kills Edward!. The police also shoot Mickey and both are dead!. The end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i studied it for drama, its about two boys who are separated at birth!. The mother gives away one of her sons to a richer family and when the boys grow up they meet again and become friends and become really close but still dont know that they are brothers, they eventually find out but i don't want to give too much away!. i loved the musical you should go and see it, it was very movingWww@QuestionHome@Com

A mother is expecting twins, but can only afford one child!. So she goves one to her sister (Or a friend) to look after!. The two boys become friends and find out they are infact brothers hence Blood Brothers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Separated at birth they meet again later and much later discover they are related!. Trite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com