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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Good Line From Anne Frank Play?

Question: Good Line From Anne Frank Play!?
Im Doing this project on Anne Frank and I need to find a line from the Anne Fran Play but im having trouble choosing one!. I cant decide to choose from when she was getting close to Peter or towards the End when the Germans arrive at her door and she has some really good lines there too but I cant decide!. I need help can you help me decide or give me a good line please!? Its not cheating people because its helping me decide what line for MY project so do go around saying you should be doing it on your own I think the whole world should know Anne Franks Story and be touched by it!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love this line, it was in her actual diary:

"I still believe in spite of everything, that people are really good at heart!."~Anne FrankWww@QuestionHome@Com

i like when the soldier yells
