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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Turn a red dress black! Help!?

Question: Turn a red dress black! Help!!?
We are putting on a show and the only dress that fits the lead is red but needs to be black and due to budget restraints, we cannot afford to get her a new dress!. Is there a way to either dye this cotton dress or use lighting that could make the dress change color!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the easiest thing to do would go buy some black dye at CVS or some other store!. this would cost about $5!. A visit to a thrift store would be about the same cost if you can find a black dress in the right size!.

Lighting would be tricky!. if you're on a tight budget you may not able to get gel's you need that filter all red light!.
this would also mean you're lights would need to be cyan, or some blue green mix!.
this lighting combination would also have very high contrast and make everything look a little like it's in black and white!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can try RIT dye if it is cotton- it may take more than one application!.

It may just be easier to go to Goodwill and find a suitable black dress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com