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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How Many words should an average screenplay be?

Question: How Many words should an average screenplay be!?
Like when its acted out as a movie, i want it to be about 90 mins long, how many words would do it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Worry less about the word count and more about getting a great story told!. Most screenplays are between 85 and 125 pages, depending on genre and the amount of description vs!. dialogue!.

Since you are hoping for a 90-minute movie, shoot for a 90-page screenplay!. But if it's coming in under or over that page count, don't worry too much, as there is always room for adding scenes or removing dialogue to beef up or tighten up the overall screenplay!.

Make sure you let someone read over your best draft of the screenplay, so you're getting good feedback on it and also getting a heads up on any errors that you might be "too close" to see for yourself!. (Tends to happen, the longer we work on something!. We know what it's *supposed* to say, so we miss the typo or story hole that an outsider might be able to spot for us!.)

Good luck and have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Typically 1 page roughly equals 1 minute of screentime, so at or around 90 pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most screenplays average at about 100 pages long!. But it depends on how much description you throw in there!. The more descrption you put in that longer a script you are going to have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com