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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to write a monologue about a shopaholic?

Question: How to write a monologue about a shopaholic!?
I don't know how I should start it or end it!.
Please help!.
I'm 14 & in grade 8!.
Minimum 1 minute!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To write a monologue you should fallow the same basic principal as if you were to do an imprv scene or write a play- just on a smaller scale!.
the most important thing is keeping the audience interested, so create a problem (for a shopaholic it could be as simple as the pair of shoes she wants is out in her size) then progress the story and raise the stakes(meaning make the problem worse, or why should we care that they're out of her size!?) something like if she doesnt get those exact shoes she wont have the perfect outfit for a date with a guy shes like forever!. Then find a way to end it and!.!.!.voila!Www@QuestionHome@Com

make it really dramatic and start it out with something like,
"This guy at school thinks that my shoes are so hot!. But I need more shoes to get a good date! "
Then end it with something like,
"Better go get those shoes!! "Www@QuestionHome@Com

shopaholic looks older than 14 & learned to forge mom's signature to sign those credit card slipsWww@QuestionHome@Com

how about she is complaining that she is in serious debtWww@QuestionHome@Com