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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to do a monologue on a "Shopaholic"?

Question: How to do a monologue on a "Shopaholic"!?
I want to make my own monologue!.
I'm thinking of being in a shop !.!. and trying myself not to convince to buy stuff!. How can I end that though!?
What are some things I could say!.!. please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After arguing with yourself briefly just end it by saying "No! I dont need it!.!.!.(pause-as you head out of the shop) and my therapist thinks I'm not improving (satisfied grin)"Www@QuestionHome@Com

talk about wanting a certain item, then talk your self out of it by talking about all the credit card debt you already have, but that it's so cute, but that you don't need it, but that it's super on sale!, but that it's not the right color!.!.!.etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com