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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Callbacks in an literally an hour, and I have a HORRIBLE cold!?

Question: Callbacks in an literally an hour, and I have a HORRIBLE cold!!?
Ok, I'm freaking out!. I honestly wasn't expecting a callback, but I got one (yay) but I'm sooo sick!. I can't sing, I can't even hear myself my ears are plugged, I can hardly even talk without sounding all "nasally-like", and my head is pounding! What on EARTH am I going to do!!!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When you get there tell them
"I'm sick so this might not be my best performance!." they'll probably be able to tell from your voice and the way that you hold yourself that you're under the weather!. If they're intense directors they may ask you to sing anyway and in that case drink some tea, and take some cold medicine quickly and just smile and act as positive as possible!. Tell them!.
"I could do better I just have a cold!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would take dayquil medicine just to take away the symptoms!. Maybe drink tea with honey in it to soothe your throat and help relax you!. Maybe you can mention before you start singing that you are sick and to please take that into consideration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

call in sick and ask if you can audition tomorrow, or go sick and explain why you cannot perform!.Www@QuestionHome@Com