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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I have 3 octaves and I have an untrained voice... Would you call this talent?

Question: I have 3 octaves and I have an untrained voice!.!.!. Would you call this talent!?
I reallly like singing and i'm wondering if I should take lessons!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you really like singing and you have a decent range, and you have the resources for singing lessons, definitely go for it!. Join a local choir, as someone else suggested, or a school choir if you're in school, or just take lessons - but the more you practice with people who know about singing, the better you will sing!.

Plus, you will be introduced to different types of music and different styles of singing, as well as different material!. There are some songs that, when you sing them, make you feel like you're soaring, and you can't find that just singing along to the radio!.

If you take lessons the teacher will find what range of songs are best for you; if you're in a choir you may get stuck singing just one part, alto, metso, or soprano, for example!. You could stick as an alto for a while, expand your lower range, and then move up to soprano if you wanted - that's what I did!. But in my case, they needed more sopranos and were asking for volunteers - you'll probably be placed in your section and will have to talk to the director to get moved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Join a school, church or community choir if you like singing!. And take lessons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say 3 octaves is pretty good!. Of course one would have to hear you sing to judge your voice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, how old are you!? I don't recommend voice lessons for girls under age 16 because your voice is still developing and changing!. Second, what are you planning to do with your voice!? If you just want to sing in the car or in a choir, then lessons aren't necessary, but I would encourage finding an organization with which to sing (school or church choir, theatre group, civic chorus, etc)!. If you are considering a career in music or wanting solos with a group with which you are performing, then lessons would be helpful!. A three octave range is very good, but a voice is only as good as its quality!.

Before you sign up for lessons, make sure that you are willing to put in the practice time (an hour a day is about average for beginners), and if possible, interview several potential teachers before choosing one!. Check with chorus teachers or theatre directors for recommendations, or if there is a college with a music program nearby, see if there are any students or adjunct professors who are looking for students!. Most teachers should allow (if not insist upon) a free interview/first lesson in which they will check your range, talk about your background and your goals as a singer!. If you do take lessons, be aware that you may be asked to do some strange things (and make some strange noises), but nothing should hurt!. If anything you are doing physically hurts you, stop doing it and tell your teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take the lessons!. Even if you never make a dime singing you'll have had the fun!. You'll learn things you will have with you for the rest of your life!. Sing man!Www@QuestionHome@Com