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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Starting out in acting/theatre - headshots?

Question: Starting out in acting/theatre - headshots!?
I am fourteen years old and trying to start out in acting and theatre/musical theatre!. I am going to headshots on Sunday, and was wondering what kind of pictures they should be!? I'm pretty "dorky", a!.k!.a!. I don;t care what people think of me very much!. If they matter, I care, but if they're just some person, I'm fine with embarassing myself in front of them =) So back to headshots!. I live in the San Francisco area, what's wanted around here!? also, any suggestions in general would be greatly appreciated!. I have *some* experience, e!.g!. the school musical (Sound of Music)!. I was Captain von Trapp!. So yeah!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The photographer should have some good ideas and suggestions!.

What kind of acting are you wanting to do!? If it's only the "dorky" roles you're going for, then dress and look the part!. If you want a little more variey, than do a couple "dorky" shots, but then do some classic ones, too!. Put your best faces forward!. You'll want to offer the kind of headshot for the role you're going for!. If you have a variety, it will help them remember you the way you want them to as their going through the headshots narrowing down their selection!.

Good luck!! ; )Www@QuestionHome@Com