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Question: How do I get over not making an audition!?
I am a good singer, actress and have done a few plays before but for some reason I didn't make my last audition!. I'm going to take voice lessons, a dance class and some other stuff to prepare me if I want to do it again ( I will!.) I worked really hard though and it feels like a lost effort and I really wanted to be in that play so I cried my eyes out!. Suggestions on how to get over this loss!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm quite new to the theater scene as I'm still studying it at college and have only worked in amateur productions, but being someone who's worked really hard for something I've really wanted to do only to be turned aside, i still know how you feel!. If you're someone who falls hard , like me, then just accepting that you didn't make it and throwing yourself into something else won't work!. Try studying yourself objectively, look at your strengths and how they would have benefited you in that production, but also consider why you might not have been right for that part!. I don't mean beat yourself up or anything, just think of things like- " I'm better suited to playing more bubbly characters"!. Try making a list of types of characters you'd play well, then search for productions with similar roles!. soon you'll probably find a new play that you'd love to be in!. You never know you could end up in something much better!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best way to get over not making it is to audition for another show!. Remember, in the acting world, one gets about 1 in 10 roles one auditions for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can take a small break from auditions to calm yourself down and collect yourself!. Then, by your next audition, you'll be prepared and ready!. And always brace yourself!. In acting, it's not uncommon to hear "No" many times before "Yes"!. It's a tough business!. I wish you luck with your next audition!. I hope this advice helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm also in theatre and feel I am pretty good at what I do!. However, I've also learned (I've been in about 20 musical theatre productions) that if you don't get a part or in the show you wanted to, it can simply come down to look or style!. Really talented people get turned away because their voice or acting style doesn't fit the director's vision for the show!. And getting turned down happens to everyone!. Honestly, if you want to be in this business, you have to have a thick skin!. You will most likely get turned down hundreds of times before you get the role you truly want!. But you can do it! Work hard, get your lessons, and stay dedicated!. Remember that this will probably happen again; you just have to work hard and stay true to yourself as an actress and musician!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thing you have to remember is that sometimes no matter how good *you* are, you simply won't get cast!. That's because the casting process isn't as simple as putting the most talented people into the roles!. There are many different factors that go into the casting process: how you look, how old you are, who else auditions, what your work availability is, etc!.

For instance, the character of Juliet (from _Romeo & Juliet_)is teenaged girl!. Meryl Streep is a fantastically talented actress, but chances are that even if she gave the best audition for the role, she won't be cast as Juliet!. That's because she doesn't *look* like a Juliet!.

Further, sometimes the casting process is about a "group" rather than "indviduals!." If I cast Actor X in a role, then I would want Actress A to play opposite him!. But if Actor X isn't available, then I may not want Actress A at all!. I might want a different actress to play opposite the actor I do end up casting!.

Remember: Auditioning is UNFAIR!. It just is!. It's hard to get turned down, but remember sometimes it's not about you!. Just keep going to those auditions, keep working on your craft, keep trying, and you'll eventually find the role!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just remember all the great actors that got rejected for parts!. All of them at one time, they just didn't just jump in there and get their first role without a struggle and they got turned down for many a role!. Just read some life stories of actors, all the auditions they had and went back to their old jobs because they didn't get the part!.
You have to be tough to suffer rejection that is why I never tried, though I wanted to be in plays I was afraid they would turn me down and I just crush easily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All great suggestions!. I would also suggest keeping yourself busy!. Working on your voice and your dancing are good ideas and things you can focus on!. Don't forget that you need other hobbies as well!. Read a book, play a video game!.!.!.keeping your mind off of it for a few days (just like a break-up) will numb the pain until it fades!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just know that sometimes it's not about your talent!. Maybe you didn't physically fit the part, or someone else had better chemistry with the other leads!. Don't give up! Move on to your next audition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont let rejection bring you down!.Remember that there is so much oppurtunities out there for you!.Take a day or two to cry and then get up on your feet again!."The only dreams that are lost,are the ones you dont fight for"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com