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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What do disney imagineers do?

Question: What do disney imagineers do!?
I am really good at writing!. is there anything that I could get involved into with that!? My dream is to be a disney imagineer!. Do you have any advice such as education and stuff that can help me steer in the right direction!? Thanks =0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They create new things for Disney!. As for education, it depends on which department you work in so I'd investigate more!. If you want to create rides and attractions for instance, engineering might be good!.

good luck!

i think i can help ya! i used to work for disneyland and i worked with imagineers all the time!
heres the official criteria =]
its basically their job to imagine new and creative rides/movies/renovations/etc =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing for you to do is realize that if youa re just a writer, you will not get far!. I suggest taking an acting class, that will teach you the craft, and also get your foot in the door!. Then you would want to go to an animation school!. That is what the imagineers do, they are animators first and foremost!. Just look at all the shows you like!. also, they write screenplays and not books or plays!. Have fun and explore your talents!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure you know that 'imagineer' is a portmonteau of 'imagination engineer' - these are the people who make imaginary places, characters and stories come alive!. It isn't a specific job - the team includes artists, modelers, and actual engineers!. A lot depends on what part of the process you want to be part of!. Certainly writing scripts could fall into your field of interest; so could novelization, but Disney hasn't done much of that!. If you focus on both writing and artwork, you might get involved in illustrating books for Disney!.

Maybe you could contact Disney directly for guidance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com