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Question: Cursing in an audition song!?
I found a great audition song, and the part I want to sing curses!. Is it unprofessional to curse if it's the original lyrics!? Should I change it!? I am comfortable with saying it, but I'm not sure if I should!. I'm 14!. Thanks a lot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Contact the people you're auditioning for, and see what they think!. They could be cool with it, but they could also be offended, and that's the last thing you want to do if you're trying to get them to like you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think any of the judges would find it appropriate if u were swearing, i think it would be better if you either didnt sing the swear words or just replaced them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say as long as its not a really bad curse like the f word or the s word!. I think it also matters what kinda song it is- what its about!. But yeah, try not to seem like your cussin out the judges or you may not get the part!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Even though you are comfortable saying it, coming from a 14 year old others may not be so comfortable hearing it!. Parents and judges (who probably are parents themselves) don't find it tasteful unlike us student's, who really don't care to much whether we say it or not!. But respect them!.

I once did a talent show when I was ten!. I did gymnastics and I picked a song that had a lyric, "We will kick your asses!" and a few teachers acutally complained, so before the day of the talent show I had to change it, and I wasn't even singing, So I wouldn't say it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do the censored version of the song, swap it with different words or whatever suits you if your not sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes you should replace it!. Or just find another song!. It will be very bad on your part to curse in an audition even if it is in the song!. Being your age the judges will most likely accept that!.(Probably would not accept it if you were older to!. It just not professional)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should replace the cursing!. It just makes things kinda weird!. I also think it would be kinda of fun to find the funniest replacement for the curse!. Like I used to do "Nothing" form a chorus line and I just had fun with the different replacements!. People knew I the song and were waiting for me to say "!.!.!.the bu**sh**t was absurd!." Every time I would change it to "Hooey" or "Hoo-Ha"or "Bull-shh!.!."!.!.!.whatever you get the point! People kinda found it amusing to hear what I came up with especilally if its a comedic song!.
Get together with your friends and come up with fun replacements that fit in the phrasing of song!.!.!.!.with a little help form your friends you can make it work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the show you're auditioning for!. Is it a small town production of Rent or Spring Awakening!? then one or two curse words would be okay!. (not that I approve of foul language) But if it's for a disney musical or nice fun family musical then it's best to change those words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com