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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What was the worst thing you ever did in an audition?

Question: What was the worst thing you ever did in an audition!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When I got to my audition, I was coming down with the flu and was getting congested!. To make matters worse, I had trashed my contacts over the summer, doing stock and burning myself out!. So I couldn't see, couldn't hear, and couldn't breath--- AND I had to sing two songs!.

The comic song went okay, but the ballad!? Dear God, I shudder to remember that ballad!. I could tell I was going off key, but I couldn't hear well enough to get back on it!. It was ludicrous!. The accompanist looked like he was being tortured!. I finally just started laughing!. And then I did the one thing you should never do in an audition!. I apologized!. I was laughing and I said, "I'm sorry!. I can't hear!." And from the dark house beyond the stage a sarcastic voice boomed-- "That's okay, we could!." I just shut my mouth and walked off!. There was no saving the situation!. I still think of it as my audition from hell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It wasn't an audition - but I once threw up during a school play!. I was 6 at the time, and was ill and nobody had noticed - it was also my birthday too!. So needless to say I do not do any acting now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I fainted before I got on!. I tried to fight it, but I couldn't!. I dropped like a rock!. It really sucked to pass out but I was not cut out to be an actor!. I guess it saved me a lot of time and auditions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a call back and I had read for two roles, one much larger than the other, and I was hoping to be reading for the larger!. When it turned out to be the smaller role I was reading for, my disappointment ruined my reading, my agent chewed me out for not doing well and I was pretty low!. When I got the role anyway, I was thrilled and I had learned an important lesson!. Never predict outcomes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com