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Question: What are agents looking for!?
Agents get 100's of aplications everyday!. What are they looking for that would make me stand out in to crowd!!?! My goal is to become a famous disney channel star, and to go on tour! Thanks I love you guys!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When you meant "Applicatoins" I assume the package that consist of:

1) Cover Letter
2) Headshot
3) Resume (on the back of the headshot)
4) Reel (optional)

Well, I once interviewed a legit Talent Agent at a workshop!. And one of the questions that I asked, was under what condition, they are willing to sign a new talent!.

And here are pretty much a breakdown on what agents are looking for:

1) Referral - They are most likely to accept a new talent when the talent is referred by a signed actor within the agency!. (This is specified on the cover letter that you sent with your application)

2) Union Status (SAG/AFTRA) (This is specified on your resume)

3) Your Look - how marketable you are in the industry!. And if your look is unique among the talents that are already signed with the agency!. (Your headshot needs to be professional, and LOOK like you in person) Your headshot is probably the first thing that the talent agent looks at, and probably the tool that will make you stand out among other applicants!.

4) Training - Where you studied the craft of Acting!. (This is specified on your resume!. An actor can be a natural talent, but without proper training, no one is going to see you as a serious actor!. Plus having right skills, the actor can easily channel his/her talent)

5) Legit Credits - which means, a principle/leading role in TV/Film production!. (This is specified on your resume)

6) Reel - Remember, No Reel is better than a BAD reel!. Only send your reel if it's really, REALLY good!. (This is an optional additional piece to your application)

Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

bright colors!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are looking for a lot of experience, some good professional training and a look that is marketable!. A friendly, outgoing personality is also a plus!. A lot of agents just throw apps into the trash, because they have all the talent they need!. So you also have to be very very very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agents are looking for someone they can make money from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com