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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Oncameratalent?

Question:I don't know if you're still on, but I saw you answered a question a few minutes ago...
well I really need to know this so if you're on answer :D
The Hannah Montana Movie- I know it's having open call auditions for extras, but for main roles is there an address to send my resume to? Cause I went to blogspot and it says something about agents, but before it had an address. Can I have it?
Thanks!! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know if you're still on, but I saw you answered a question a few minutes ago...
well I really need to know this so if you're on answer :D
The Hannah Montana Movie- I know it's having open call auditions for extras, but for main roles is there an address to send my resume to? Cause I went to blogspot and it says something about agents, but before it had an address. Can I have it?
Thanks!! :)

The casting director contacted me and said that the main roles are only being cast through agents for this film and they are not accepting submissions from actors directly.

You cant usually submit for main roles without an agent - it doesnt work that way. However I googled and heres what I found :

It's a Laugh Productions, Inc.
2800 West Sunset Blvd.
Bldg. 11, Suite 201
Hollywood, CA 90028