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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> 30 second teen monologues??

Question:I have this thing I have to go to in May. And I can't seem to find any 30 second teen monologues that would be good and easy to memorize. So if any of you have any suggestions I would love to hear them:]]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have this thing I have to go to in May. And I can't seem to find any 30 second teen monologues that would be good and easy to memorize. So if any of you have any suggestions I would love to hear them:]]

You can go to a library and check out a book of one minute monologue ( having to cut them down a little by) or just a monologue from a book.

some of my favorite internet ones are: (most of those are long but you can cut them down.;... (i asked a question simualiar to this and that is what i got) (this a bunch of monologues from almost anything that is out there

I used this one before and of course you would want to do some shortening but here you go:
Sally: A 'C'? A 'C'? I got a 'C' on my coathanger sculpture? How could anyone get a 'C' in coathanger sculpture? May I ask a question? Was I judged on the piece of sculpture itself? If so, is it not true that time alone can judge a work of art? Or was I judged on my talent? If so, is it fair that I be judged on a part of my life over which I have no control? If I was judged on my effort, then I was judged unfairly, for I tried as hard as I could! Was I judged on what I had learned about this project? If so, then were not you, my teacher, also being judged on your ability to transmit your knowledge to me? Are you willing to share my 'C'? Perhaps I was being judged on the quality of coathanger itself out of which my creation was is this not also unfair? Am I to be judged by the quality of coathangers that are used by the drycleaning establishment that returns our garments? Is that not the responsibility of my parents? Should they not share my 'C'? (SFX: the teachers voice is heard offstage [brief unintelligible squawk voice mixed with electronic static)) Thank you, Miss Othmar. (to audience) The squeaky wheel gets the grease! (exits)

If you can give us some more info for the part you are trying out i will try and edit this for some better

there are ones from shakespeare. helena's monolouges in a midsummer nights dream is really good.

Can you get to a college library?? if so go to the theatre section where there are gobs of monologue books. Short of that you can peruse one at Barnes and Noble while having coffee (don't spill). Lastly, if you have an age appropriate favorite character from a play, find a favorite speech or set of lines... do a little cut and paste if necessary to get it to 30 secs and have fun. BTW, from a pro... rehearse it until you are sick of it, then rehearse it some more. Break a leg!