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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some techniques, advice, and ways of posture,acting, etc for someone?

Question:who wants to become an actor, what things should I learn, and in general what should I visualize when I am trying to act well and read a line, what are some good pointers that I should use, and what are some exercises or things that I should do before I act, to make my performance better, basically I want to know how to act.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: who wants to become an actor, what things should I learn, and in general what should I visualize when I am trying to act well and read a line, what are some good pointers that I should use, and what are some exercises or things that I should do before I act, to make my performance better, basically I want to know how to act.

It's much better just to get an acting coach cuz they can see you personally and tell you the things to work on.

On youtube there are some good interviews with acting coaches if you just search the term "acting coaches".

And finally, and have great articles on starting in the business.