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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Today, Are most film still shot in Los Angeles?

Question:90% of movies and TV are shot in Los Angeles.I see my Hometown a lot in movies(Wilmington,Ca.) along with a lot of shows filmed on the westside of LA.Now that I dont live there anymore,its nice to see where I used to live on the screen.It makes me Homesick though.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 90% of movies and TV are shot in Los Angeles.I see my Hometown a lot in movies(Wilmington,Ca.) along with a lot of shows filmed on the westside of LA.Now that I dont live there anymore,its nice to see where I used to live on the screen.It makes me Homesick though.

Yes, and if some parts of it are shot on location, most of the main actors are from L.A.