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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is your experience with dating theatrical people?

Question:I'm very into theatre, so I'm around "theatre people" 24/7. Although, of course, a good deal of the guys are gay, there are still quite a few who aren't. But my question to you all is what kind of experiences have you had dating theatre people? Is it hard to know when they're serious and when they're acting?

I'm a little cautious to date a fellow theatre person for fear that they'll "act" when they're with me. You know?

I know that I definitely act when I'm with people. My theatre experience has made it to where I can make anybody believe anything, and can similarly convince them to do anything. (I'm a sweetheart, right? Ha.) But yes...has anyone had any troubles with a theatrical boy/girlfriend?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm very into theatre, so I'm around "theatre people" 24/7. Although, of course, a good deal of the guys are gay, there are still quite a few who aren't. But my question to you all is what kind of experiences have you had dating theatre people? Is it hard to know when they're serious and when they're acting?

I'm a little cautious to date a fellow theatre person for fear that they'll "act" when they're with me. You know?

I know that I definitely act when I'm with people. My theatre experience has made it to where I can make anybody believe anything, and can similarly convince them to do anything. (I'm a sweetheart, right? Ha.) But yes...has anyone had any troubles with a theatrical boy/girlfriend?

Dating a 'theater person' is like dating anyone else. There are pros and cons, but mostly they're just people. Scratch that- mostly they're just human and therefore prone to making the same mistakes everyone else.

Nevertheless, here are a few things you should know that apply to theatrical folk (In VERY general terms not to be applied completely to every single person, as common sense dictates):

1. They THRIVE on attention. Being in the limelight is what makes an actor an actor- no one wants to cast someone who mutters their lines and shifts awkwardly toward the curtains in a vain attempt to hide. So, theater people are pretty social, which can make you feel a little like you don't matter in comparison to everyone else he/she is talking to. This brings me to-

2. What is one of the best ways to get attention? Flirting! So a larger number are notorious flirts. It's usually not a motive driven by malice or even affection as much as an attention-getting mechanism you might have to deal with if your dating a thespian.

3. Finally, be ready to deal with a schedule that eats up a lot of time you wish you could spend together. So, if you're one of those people who gets worried that you current flame is 'mad' or 'ignoring' you because they haven't called in a day or two, then it might be best to find someone with a less demanding routine.

I want to address quickly what you said about 'acting' when you are around people. I am NOT a therapist or anyone of any heavy consequence- for God's sake, I'm giving advice on the INTERNET!- but I do think I should say something on this matter that you may not like to hear-er, read:

If you feel you need to 'act' when you are around people, this is an indication of low self-esteem. It's alright to pretend you're someone else on stage, but in real life you should be comfortable enough that you don't need to be anyone other than yourself. If you haven't realized how wonderful you are without a facade, then maybe you aren't ready for a relationship. And, besides, once you aren't so busy trying to maintain a persona then you should be able to spot if someone is 'acting' with you (you can't kid a kidder).

Well, there you have it, my rambling two pence. I hope it has offered some perspective.

Yep. The reason I broke up with my last ex. She was way too theatrical and it started scaring me. Everything was like she was on stage and it was just awkward. Be very weary. Although, I should have seen this one coming. Other people, it's easier to tell if they are different outside of acting. But it all depends on the person. I know plenty of people who carry on healthy relationships with theatre people.

Actors are just like any other people...yes, they make money by essentially lying and pretending to people, but so do lawyers and politicians and real estate agents and countless others.

Actually, what is the most difficult thing about dating an actor is the restrictions on their time. They work odd hours, generally evenings, and if you don't have a comparable schedule you may find that you never see them! Also, it can be difficult knowing that any plans you make will always have to be structured around rehearsals/auditions/performances etc. I work as a lighting technician and my husband is an actor, so we both understand the demands of each other's jobs, and I think that is a huge part of making it work. We have been together for nearly four years, so it can be done! :-)

Bad..They have some problems dealing with real life..hypocrites and snob