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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do I let it go?

Question:How do I let my dream go? I wanted to be a disney channel star (Yea doesn't everyone?) But my parents didn't want me to be and I would never make it, But now I realise I didn't like acting I wanted to meet all the stars and now I have dreams about it it just makes me sad now, Its like I can't let the dream go?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do I let my dream go? I wanted to be a disney channel star (Yea doesn't everyone?) But my parents didn't want me to be and I would never make it, But now I realise I didn't like acting I wanted to meet all the stars and now I have dreams about it it just makes me sad now, Its like I can't let the dream go?

Its like wanting to marry johnny depp, most girls dont know the true him yet they have fallen for his love and his charm and think he is going to be exactly like the characters he plays, which just isnt so.

Your on the road to recovery, you have reconised its just a dream and that you dont have any passion to act, so now its time to save dreams for sleeping, and be content to watch disney channel stars as girls have to be content with watching johnny depp.

now go out into that crazy big old wide world and find a passion for something you really wanna do, find a dream that you know if you put your mind to it will eventually come true.

good luck

Grow up and travel round the world ...Disney is crap

I think you need to allow yourself to mourn the death of a dream. The stages of grief are:

* Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
* Anger (why is this happening to me?)
* Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
* Depression (I don't care anymore)
* Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)

Then you can decide where to go from here.