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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Drama...Help me get a farmers accent!?

Question:I've got my drama G.C.S.E Friday coming and I'm doing four scenes from the play "Blue Remembered Hills." If you haven't heard of it, it's about seven 7 year olds during world war two played by mature actors and it's fantastic ^^ anyway I STILL HAVEN'T GOT THE ACCENT! It's set in the Forest of Dean, and the accent basically sounds like a farmer =) I've tried and tried and tried, but I keep turning Welsh! I even resorted to getting my mum to drive a completely different way to see my cousins in Cardiff (Wales) just so we could bypass the Forest of Dean and stop in a petrol added about two extra hours to our journey and guess didn't help. IF ANYONE HAS ANY ADVICE I WOULD REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT >.< x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've got my drama G.C.S.E Friday coming and I'm doing four scenes from the play "Blue Remembered Hills." If you haven't heard of it, it's about seven 7 year olds during world war two played by mature actors and it's fantastic ^^ anyway I STILL HAVEN'T GOT THE ACCENT! It's set in the Forest of Dean, and the accent basically sounds like a farmer =) I've tried and tried and tried, but I keep turning Welsh! I even resorted to getting my mum to drive a completely different way to see my cousins in Cardiff (Wales) just so we could bypass the Forest of Dean and stop in a petrol added about two extra hours to our journey and guess didn't help. IF ANYONE HAS ANY ADVICE I WOULD REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT >.< x

Hanna Montana speaks in a fake Tenn. country accent, not the accent you have in mind. Wrong country. You're talking about western England.

Isn't Hagrid from Harry Potter supposed to have a west country accent?

That's what it says on Wikipedia.

Also, if you look at the article, there's several famous people from that area and you might be able to get a few sound bites. I understand that the BBC has a library of accents.

Pick out a town and listen.

Watch Hannah Montana episodes over + over again (on the internet would be easiest), then you'll soon pick up the accent.

:) x

geeoooroffff my land lol

Repeat this 100 times and you should have it:

'Ge' orf moi laaand'


go on youtube and find a few Worzels songs that should help

listen to the wurzels songs on youtube if u can find them

somerset accents they got

Spend a bit of time in the Bristol area ,

Try listening to BBC voices from the area you are trying to copy. There are loads of different accents on the website. If you can't get the accent, then you might be better off doing it in your own so that you can concentrate on what you are saying, rather than how you are saying it.