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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Hannah Montana auditions in Albuquerque NM?

Question:We got something in the mail saying there is going to be auditions for Hannah Montana: The Movie

Is this real?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We got something in the mail saying there is going to be auditions for Hannah Montana: The Movie

Is this real?

There are no plans to shoot in NM. And there are no auditions scheduled there. Also, casting directors do not send out fliers or postcards in the mail for these types of announcements. They simply issue a press release in the area, contact the local film commission, or hire a local casting director. Usually these types of things (that you received in the mail) involve a scam of some sort. They set up "auditions", or a "Casting Call" and then get all sorts of people coming in and perform an "audition". Then they give you the hard sell on acting classes or some other scam. People like that infuriate me. I myself have fallen for this type of "audition" when I first started acting in LA and had no agent. That is why it is so important to have a legit SAG franchised or ATA signatory agent.