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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Land a role on eastenders, how?

Question:How can you audition for a part in eastenders? if you go through an agency which agencies do the producers of BBC eastenders work with?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can you audition for a part in eastenders? if you go through an agency which agencies do the producers of BBC eastenders work with?

just find out when they're casting for a new role, then go and audition for it.
im sure any decent agency will know when a popular soap like Eastenders are casting.

I was looking for this information myself a while ago. Check out Eastenders website and look at FAQ - it has a section in there about only auditioning people from agencies. Cant remember the exact words, but check it out.

ask BBC

I don't know what Eastenders is, but look who is back. Now you'll have to starts from lvl 1 again