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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What's a good name... (Shakespeare)?

Question:I am writing a creative writing assignment, and i want it too be good, so was wondering of some good names that were probably used in shakespeare's time. NOT names from shakespeare's play (unless their common), but ones that sound good, and old kinda. If you know waht i mean.

I need about 4-5 guy names, and a girl name (girl willl be married to the guy). I think i am going to name the girl Isabella though.....Also, what's a good last name if you could add that too.
I would really appreciate this,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am writing a creative writing assignment, and i want it too be good, so was wondering of some good names that were probably used in shakespeare's time. NOT names from shakespeare's play (unless their common), but ones that sound good, and old kinda. If you know waht i mean.

I need about 4-5 guy names, and a girl name (girl willl be married to the guy). I think i am going to name the girl Isabella though.....Also, what's a good last name if you could add that too.
I would really appreciate this,

Isabella would not be a popular name in England in shakespeares time as it is a Spanish name and they hated one another.
Common English names at the time would be Elizabeth, Ann, Mary, men would be Henry, William, Richard, Christopher,.

well for a female name you could use "Admiranda" it's the alteration of Shakespeare's Miranda, giving special emphasis to the meaning "Worthy of Admiration" It's a Shakespeare name and wasn't used in his plays.