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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Prop for my School Play.?

Question:I feel odd asking this, but where or what kind of Fake Mustaches are best. I have a part where our teacher said I could get one but one will not be provided. Where could I find a good quality one? Because I would like to have it after the play.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I feel odd asking this, but where or what kind of Fake Mustaches are best. I have a part where our teacher said I could get one but one will not be provided. Where could I find a good quality one? Because I would like to have it after the play.

There are many places that sell good fake mustaches. You use a product called spirit gum to glue them on with, it is a horrible sticky mess to use. Sometimes latex can be used to attach them. Do a web search for fake mustaches, should give you what you want

there are many local costume shops everywhere, try asking people is they know where one is, the fake mustaches are usally in stock at every place. :{