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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I have to write a 10 page play that is due tomorrow any ideas?

Question:i havent started yet... please help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i havent started yet... please help

Be "sick" tomorrow..

Write one on a teenager faced with telling his/her parents that he/she is either, gay, pregnant, got someone pregnant, suicidal, killed someone, on drugs...any of those would make a good play....especially if you have a moral in it to get your point across.
Hope this helps.

Write about a personal life situation. Change names, places and dates. Choose something that taught you some value or lesson. Type it, you can use spell check then that will help with proof reading to save time. Get going!!! Good luck!

well personaly i would say get off line and work!

Download a Play template it will give you the format you need then just create a conversation. Be sure to give a line before the conversation that describe the setting and who is conversing. You can really have fun and have the characters speaking in txt tk - you know pronouncing txt as real words not just abbreviations. Have Fun!

You could always base it on your own life experiences, or make something up, like a story of your alter ego, or you could go witha fictional story of, how a daughter of a king got kidnapped because the mother didn't like her and from that moment on she was raised by thieves(good thieves think of alternate robin hood) till she's finally reunited with her family and the queen is banished.....
something like that maybe.

because of the limitation I assume it will be one scene short play. try to imagine the conversation may take place infront of the pearly gates between a sinner and peter. or try a court scene as you may think of wider range of charecters

If you think you can get away with it, skip that class tomorrow and you'll have one extra day to work.

Write ten pages about a character who neglected a homework assignment for weeks and weeks, panicked, and went online for help.

All writing coaches will tell you: "Write about what you know".

Congratulations. You have truly earned that grade.