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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I have an audition in a few weeks NEED HELP!!!!!!?

Question:I have an adution for an agency in a few weeks and i need a maximum of 1 minute 30 long where can i find one......???????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have an adution for an agency in a few weeks and i need a maximum of 1 minute 30 long where can i find one......???????


DONT go to monologue books or monologue websites because the agency will absolutely ignore you if you use a monologue written by a nobody that doesn't belong to a play.

What you'll want to do is figure out what type of character actor you are- Will you play the abused daughters/ girlfriends/ wives? Or will you play the jaded teen/ woman? Or will you be the happy-go-lucky cheerleader? Only you can answer this. Be honest with yourself and identify what you LOOK like and what you are capable of playing.

THEN look for plays that feature those characters. It's easiest to find one, then look up that playwright and take a gander at all of his/her plays.

Message me with what type you are and I can try to get you pointed in the right direction.

What type of audition and what do you need?

What needs to be 1 minute and 30? 30 seconds? Need more info.

Yes, Explain more and we might be able to help!
(by the way, congratulations on getting an audition for an agency!)

If you are searching for a monologue, you can try many websites such as

But, you can Google the word "monologues" and many resources will come up. Good luck!

do they do modeling?
if so, do you mind letting me know of the place? :]