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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you get rid of stage fright?

Question:i feel comfortable like singing in front of my friends and stuff. they say that i sing good. but like when i have to say a monoluge (or however you spell it) in front of my class, sometimes i get nervous. even if it's like a oral presentation for my core classes. but, even when its not for a grade, i would just act really random in class, then sometimes, people would laugh. the thing is, is that im afraid of messing up and the audience stareing at you........

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i feel comfortable like singing in front of my friends and stuff. they say that i sing good. but like when i have to say a monoluge (or however you spell it) in front of my class, sometimes i get nervous. even if it's like a oral presentation for my core classes. but, even when its not for a grade, i would just act really random in class, then sometimes, people would laugh. the thing is, is that im afraid of messing up and the audience stareing at you........

be confident enough that you are not messing up. Ask your friends to criticize .think about it.

Know your material very, very well..............
and just do will get easier.........

Read to your self in the mirror, then to a friend then to a few friends then to a family member, then to all family members that might show up. Then all of the important people have already heard you and you can relax a bit. Who really cares what a stranger thinks? It's the people that surround us that we want to impress and make proud!

Most everyone goes through this believe it or not. If you have to give an oral presentation, just know that everyone has to do it as well, and everyone is nervous. And you know you have to doit no matter what so try not to get worked up over it. This may sound silly, but what I do when I am giving an oral presentation, I curl my feet. I keep moving them, then curl them, and uncurl them. It actually helps me... I dont know why. But it does. good luck.

You must stop caring what people think. Block them out & just concentrate on doing the best job you can.
If you've done your best & someone does'nt like it ,they can go to hell.

Most worthwhile things in life involve some risk. This can be minimised by preparation & a professional approach.

If you feel nervous you must learn to "act" confident
"fake it till you make it"

Anyway you're not alone. Even Laurence Olivier suffered from stage fright.

Good luck

believe in what u can do