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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I am 16 and want to become an actor i want to move to new york i was just wounde

Question:like on how o get started and how to get roles and stuff!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: like on how o get started and how to get roles and stuff!

tip 1 - forget moving to NYC
tip 2 - if you want to be an actor, you had better get a lot of experience acting, like in school and community plays.
tip 3 - you want to make sure that you can financially support yourself for the period of time (ususally several years) that it takes to become an actor.

I would wait until you're 18.. because its a bit safer.
I wish you tons of luck.

Get an agent.
A manger.
Try out fr browdy and go frm there/

become friends with all the casting agents, you should probably try to get into some small plays and work your way up to broadway or commercials or something. my grandma lives in new york city and is an actress. she's on law and order sometimes, and some other stuff. good luck, oh and new york really is the place to be.

Don't move anywhere until you've graduated high school and you're 18. Remember, arriving in NYC doesn't guarantee you a job in the theatre. You are going to have support yourself (in a VERY expensive city) while you're going out on auditions. It will be very hard to get a regular job without a diploma.
Be positive, but realistic. Everyone in NYC was the best acting student in their school too!

finish school and have a fall back...I thought I was a good actress until I got to college as a theatre major and realized that I waddn't sh*%.

As above, finish school, save your money (rent per month on a studio apartment in Manhattan is about $2000 - $6000 right now), and take some classes when you get here. You cannot just show up in New York and assume things will become clear. They won't. You need a college or classes in order to meet other performers and learn how the theatre and audition world works here. There are more than a few studio schools that offer classes as an introduction to the industry. Buy a copy subscription to Backstage Magazine now, and start educating yourself.