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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> High School Musical Obsecian?

Question:Everybody is crazy for High School Musical 1 and 2. They are also going for a 3rd movie?? My friends and I liked them a little last year but they are getting sooooo old. Don't you agree?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Everybody is crazy for High School Musical 1 and 2. They are also going for a 3rd movie?? My friends and I liked them a little last year but they are getting sooooo old. Don't you agree?

I agree they are getting a little old and i dont watch them as much as i used to but i think they are stil really good movies and i do enjoy it when i watch them. However yes i do think the craze for them should have gone by now


i cant stand high school musical the first time i watched it (1st one) i thought i had to watch it but never again it comes over to me as an boring film inc the songs are like a fairy tale so i knew what was gonna happen at the end the 2nd was the worst (so far).please disney if IF u want to go down hill even more bring it out if not stick it in the bin

yea i guess ppl should hav calm down by now but with the high school musical reunion i think it start every1 off agen. I mean back-to-back. HSM the concert ect. i think its to get ppl ready for HSM3 graduation, even though i think it is a while to go yet.