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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm afraid to tell my boyfriend my dreams...?

Question:My dream is to be an actress. I have wanted to be for 8 years now and have always loved and acceled in it in high school. My boyfriend and I have been together for 1.5 years and he is very protective over me. I told him my dream when we first got together but I don't think he took it very seriously. Now that I'm in college, I would like to make drama my major and pursue it as a career. He can be jealous at times and I know that he won't like my career choice.

I don't know how to tell him -- if it ended our relationship I would be devistated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My dream is to be an actress. I have wanted to be for 8 years now and have always loved and acceled in it in high school. My boyfriend and I have been together for 1.5 years and he is very protective over me. I told him my dream when we first got together but I don't think he took it very seriously. Now that I'm in college, I would like to make drama my major and pursue it as a career. He can be jealous at times and I know that he won't like my career choice.

I don't know how to tell him -- if it ended our relationship I would be devistated.

You have to do what is best for you. It is not fair of him to try to tell you what you can and can't do with your life. I know it sounds hard but you might not be together for ever so follow your dreams and he will just have to accept your decision. If not he's not the one for you.

Girlfriend, you are too old to live for other people. You have to do what makes you happy and if he hinders your dreams you will resent him later. You only live once (that most of us remember anyway) so go for what you know and don't worry about some boy.

Acting is a great career, it's just like hanging out but you're making money for it! What can be better than that? I can understand why your boyfriend might be a little worried, sometimes it can be really hard and there might be times where you'll be out of a job but that's no reason for him to break up with you. Explain to him that this is what you really want to do with your life. I'd suggest choosing a second major to coinside with the theatre major just in case there is ever a point in time when you're out of a job you can do something else for a little while. I'd suggest teaching, this way whenever you're out of a job you can teach a theatre class and you have almost the entire summer off to persue your acting career.

If your boyfriend is going to end your relationship over this then I don't know if he's quite worth it. He should be supporting your dreams not making you hide them from him. Either way good luck!


Can I sing?;...

You have to tell him that I am interested in acting and I hope that you can understand what my dreams are. If he does not then that means that he is not a good personto go out with because he does not accept what you do with your life and what your dreams are

If you aren't comfortable telling your boyfriend what you think, he shouldn't be your boyfriend, but if you do want to tell him, I think you should try.

Thats sad.. If its your dream he shouldnt hold you back, and if he truly loves you, he would understand and help you.

Talk to him and tell him whats on your mind.
If you start to feel as if he wants to control you and keep you down, then i suggest you let him go.

You shouldnt compromise your dreams for what he might think, the earlier you realise what your priorities are the better!

Good Luck x

My dear. In my book, The Tao of Acting, I warn all aspiring actors not to fall in love, get pregnant or make anyone pregnant. These things assure that you will never be an actor. Dump him if you want to succeed. You may not need to though if you get seriously involved in the theatre you may not have time for him any more and he will just leave on his own. You gotta choose, as the other answerer said, acting or boyfriend.