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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Anyone have any fun stage blooper stories? Any stunts gone wrong?

Question:Mine was when I was a little girl in "Annie" for dinner theatre. All the orphans were late for their cue, so we went running from backstage. I was the last one on, and my shoulder hit the door frame making it fall. As it came down, Daddy Warbucks jumped and fell into the pit, and I caught the frame just holding it like a hoola hoop around me. All the elderly people (it was a bus night), cracked up and this senile old lady decided she wanted to adopt me because she felt bad for me. The director had to lead me out the back entrance after the show because the old lady wouldn't leave him alone. Haha!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mine was when I was a little girl in "Annie" for dinner theatre. All the orphans were late for their cue, so we went running from backstage. I was the last one on, and my shoulder hit the door frame making it fall. As it came down, Daddy Warbucks jumped and fell into the pit, and I caught the frame just holding it like a hoola hoop around me. All the elderly people (it was a bus night), cracked up and this senile old lady decided she wanted to adopt me because she felt bad for me. The director had to lead me out the back entrance after the show because the old lady wouldn't leave him alone. Haha!

My most ridiculous performance story has to do with a college performance of Play Strindberg by Friedrich Durrenmatt. I played the only female character, the wife, who's name escapes me.

The production was cursed. There were only 3 roles, but only 1 guy tried out. So the guy was cast as my cousin/lover and the director had to take the role of my husband. We had 4 weeks to rehears and about 2 weeks in the one guy walked out. There was no one to play the cousin/lover except the assistant director, my best friend Gina.

Gina was tall and big boned, so we had to make her up to look like a guy and give her a wig. She had blonde hair that she braided into pig tails to put under the black wig. It was an awful situation. She had to play my cousin/lover, and let me tell ya-- neither of us are lesbians so this was a really awkward thing. But thank God we didn't have to kiss or anythinhg.

Anyway, the performances went okay. But I think it was the second night when the mishap occured.

There was a scene where the husband storms out leaving me with my lover. He was holding a shawl or something that he was supposed to toss onto the sofa before his exit. I had my back to the action at that point, so I can't quite remember what was supposed to happen. All I know is he tossed the shawl and it landed on Gina's head. He tried pulling the shawl off before his exit, because it was supposed to be somewhere else. But Gina got hold of it, because when the shawl hit her head it knocked her wig off. She didn't want to take the shawl off her head until she got the wig back on. But the other actor didn't know, and he pulled the shawl so hard the wig flew off and landed on the stage like a dead rat. Then the other actor exited on cue and left us to deal with it.

I turned around. By then Gina, being the goof she was, had picked up the wig and just plopped it on top of her head, leaving the pigtails dangling. I turned around and my first thought was "Why is Gina wearing a dead rat on her head?" The audience was dying by this point. All that remained of the scene was for the two of us to rush to center stage, look longingly into each other's eyes, and then break, exiting right and left. But the audience wouldn't stop laughing. I think I even had some little line I was supposed to say. It is the only time I almost broke character onstage.

The real punch line to this story is, of course, that the audience thought it was all part of the play. As outrageous as the gaff was, they had no idea anything was wrong.

when i was acting in scrooge the kid who played scrooge spilled a pitcher of watered down mountain dew that was supposed to be the milk of human kindness it was funny because the people in the front of the audince got some on them

When we did "Annie" our Rooster was dancing on this desk we would move around the stage to change the set to another room or something, and he fell off, not just the desk, but the stage. He got up and said, "I'm okay!" which got a laugh from the audience.

When we did "Wizard of Oz," one of the little boys just stood there after one of the songs waving at the audience.

I was in a production of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" a while ago, and one thing that happened to me (luckily it was only a dress rehearsal) was when I had to get the Turkish Delight box out of the sleigh (I played the Witch) and when I picked it up, I grabbed it by the little handle type thing on top, which just happened to come off just then, so the box just went FLYING across the stage.

Then on opening night, during a scene at the Beavers' house, the girl playing Susan accidentally kicked a stool which apparently made a farting sound. The guy playing Peter started laughing at this, so then Mrs. Beaver started laughing, except she had a line--it took probably five or six tries to get it out without laughing.

We also had some issues with props--Peter's sword broke in half during a battle, and the other Witch (the show was double-cast) got her high heel stuck on the end of her dress and couldn't get into the sleigh...which just started going without her!