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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to start making a movie!?

Question:can people give me some tips on how to start making a movie? it's my first one....... tips please!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: can people give me some tips on how to start making a movie? it's my first one....... tips please!

Hi! I'm making a movie as well. Not my first. It's my second though. Here's what you need to do, brainstorm some ideas for a movie and it has to be a movie possible for you to make. Think about locations you'd use and how much money you'd spend... start writing. After you've finished the script, put out a casting call in your school. Tell people you want some actors. After that, get everyone to meet and rehearse and finally, film it and edit it with MovieMaker or some video editing program and finally, distribute!