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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I want to be an actress so bad and i was wondering if anyone could help me.maybe

Question:please help me i would appreciate it. ive known i wanted to be an actress since 4th grade. im a girl and i am 12 years old. please if you have anything on your mind that could help me just say it. THANKS!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: please help me i would appreciate it. ive known i wanted to be an actress since 4th grade. im a girl and i am 12 years old. please if you have anything on your mind that could help me just say it. THANKS!!!

Yes i am in Direction field now a days but before that i was in IT Field. I made 3 Documentories in Discovery Channel and now got offer to direct a serial. So if you are interested , send you portfolio to :
So that we can think about your selection in our serial or movie if you fit in some character here.
Send your expereince also if any (in Cine/Media field)-would be an advantage.


For starters take every acting, dance and singing class you possibly can. Because even if you don't have a lot of experience, training looks GREAT on your resume.

Then type up that resume. If you have any school plays, community theater plays, etc.
if you don't have much experience look for open calls around where you live.

Then get your headshots done, research it if you dont know what a headshot is.
Now they can be very exspensive, the good ones at least.
If you live in NYC I'd reccomend Melissa Hamburg.

After that do a mailing of agents in your area, with your headshot and resume (email me if you need advice on how to find legit agents in your area)

Hopefully a few of those agents will call you for an interview.
If you don't know an agent helps you find different auditions.
Now , fi an agent asks for a up-front fee it's a scam and leave as fast as you can.
This is how a REAL agent gets paid.
If they find you a job and you get paid, they get "about 15% of what you made.

Then sing up for something like to look for auditions yourself.

And then, just audition more and everything.

I hope I helped.

Email me if you need more help, want to find agents in your area or auditons in your area.

I remember being you! Well first of all I would start doing community theatre, that's the best way to start learning your craft. If you can find books about how to act, for example anything by Stanislavski or Stella Adler or Meisner. All of these people were great acting coaches. It might be hard to understand at first and you may have to go over it a few times to get it, but eventually you'll understand what they are talking about, especially Stanislavski, I still have to re-read certain things. But right now that's really all you can do, and I know you're just itching to get out there, I remember that. But just get good first and then when you're ready start looking up schools to go to for acting, and then agents and what not. Good Luck and God speed! Keep the dream alive!!!

Location and number of contacts you have help too. I live in the L.A. area, and I have a few friends who are actors, directors and I dated a Russian model briefly, but we're not going to go into that. >.> I'm not, uh...*cough* proud of that...point is, if you live in a place like North Dakota or Muncie Indiana, chances are you're not gonna get discovered anytime soon. Keep in mind, it's a rough industry, and there are thousands of aspiring actors who've worked their whole lives to make it, and never do. When you're 12, it's easy to think "I'm gonna be famous someday!" But if you're truly dedicated, don't get discouraged! However, i urge you to look deep inside yourself and ask if this is something you really want to do. Many young actors come to Los Angeles to find that it's a hard life, and walk away from it since it's too much work and too much disappointment.

Ultimately, it's up to you. A lot of being an actor is hard work, but even more of it is simply dumb luck. Be persistent, and do what you love to do, don't just try to be famous simply because you think it's cool.