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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is your opinion on South Pacific?

Question:I didn't really care for it much, if you did like it what was your favorite scene and character and why? or least favorite scene and character?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I didn't really care for it much, if you did like it what was your favorite scene and character and why? or least favorite scene and character?

It's not really my cup of tea, but I don't mind it. I understand that other people may have very different opinions, so I don't voice my dislike of R&H shows too loudly. I like the guys numbers though - "Nothing Like a Dame" and such. Seems like that New York revival of South Pacific should be getting ready to open about now.

I liked the queen. And the music. Especially 'Bali High'.

I didn't like it all that much, I liked Bali High.
Hated Happy Talk.

I like that it dealt with racism in an era when that wasn't talked about very much. I didn't like the fact that the heroine was a racist; I wanted to like her, and didn't after the scene with the children.

I think it's a good representation of the musicals of its time, but it's not one of my favorites.