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Question:that which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet
so romeo would, were he not romeo called.....

im reading the book rite now and i love it : )

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: that which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet
so romeo would, were he not romeo called.....

im reading the book rite now and i love it : )

alot if you ask me

a vowel.


A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

To tell you the truth, letters are in a name. Possibly a meaning as well.

a rose...

a small monkey called Phillip

Your link to the past.

the spirit and soul the person that it is describing. It contains the essence of what that person is and who they are. It is a name that they were given and it is name that will forever stay (even if they get a name change =) )

your identity and words

letter, a title, lines.....y r u asking?

ownership, responsibility, character, individuality, commonality, connection, symbolism, definition, self, and soul.

if a rose by any other would smell as sweet....romeo, HAS THOU HAVE TO BE MONTAGUE!!!??!? craziness, ignorance, and LUV!