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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Did Claudius really murder King Hamlet?

Question:What information is there to prove this theory?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What information is there to prove this theory?

Act 3, Scene 3, Lines 36-72

Clauduis :
"Oh my offence is rank, it smells to heaven;
It hath the primal eldest curse upon't,
A brother's murder. Pray can I not,
Though inclination be as sharp as will.
My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent, . . . "
I think that speaks for itself.

well that's my opinion I mean you could potentially make a case that Claudius knew that Hamlet was behind him when he was making that soliloquy and that he knew that Hamlet suspected him of King Hamlet's murder but I think unless that is a specifcic question that you have to answer in regards to using it as a supporting point for a thesis about uncertainty of outside influences (ie although Hamlet trusts the Ghost's accusation of Claudius after the performance of the Murder of Gonzago which could have implications on your interpratation of what the play is saying about individual actions and etc) or something like that I think that you shouldn't take this possibility too far cause it will most probably get in the way of you understanding the play and some of it's other more important messages, like what Shakespeare was trying to say about the need for theatre to become a serious medium that didn;t seek to please the lowest common denomenator with slapstick ne way in conclusion just my opinion but I spose you could make a case there if it adds a different possible angle to your understanding of the text rather than taking focus away from understanding the main ideas it presents

read the story
that will prove it

It's just a play. Read it.