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Question:does Zac really sing because there are rumours that he doesnt sing but somebody else does for him

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: does Zac really sing because there are rumours that he doesnt sing but somebody else does for him

he sings real in high school musical 2 in high school musical one he was a faker.....(thats why they had drew selley sing in the concert tour) in hairspray he sang fur real.........SO YA SOMETIMES HE DOES (but it sounds fake) there was a faker!!!!!! and then.................... and then...................

ya he does i gues so he has to or else people will sew

In the first movie he didn't and in the second he did.

I think...

They recorded him and vanessa singing in a recording studio first then during the actual movie shooting he said (in an interview) that they just sang along softly to the recording.