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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I need help with my charater for the play *Juvie*?

Question:my theater class is putting on a production called Juvie. i play Jane, for those who are familiar. im having trouble with her soliloquy. she only speaks one time, and i was just wanting some tips from anyone with experience on stage about how to deliver the lines as best as possible.thanks in advance for your help!heres the soliloquy-

they want me to talk. well, they can hang it out until it rots. I've done my taliing. I've done my listening too. Ive heard enough footsteps in the night, my old lady sneaking in the back door, the old man sneaking out the front. Who were they sneaking from? Neither one of them could have cared less. Ive heard the bottles falling and the blows falling. Ive heard the screaming and the cursing. ive heard the knife come out of the drawer and the footsteps running into the yard. ive heard the neighbores yelling and the sirens pulling up to the house. ive heard the lies to cover up the horror. ive heard the cops pull away and heard the fists again.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my theater class is putting on a production called Juvie. i play Jane, for those who are familiar. im having trouble with her soliloquy. she only speaks one time, and i was just wanting some tips from anyone with experience on stage about how to deliver the lines as best as possible.thanks in advance for your help!heres the soliloquy-

they want me to talk. well, they can hang it out until it rots. I've done my taliing. I've done my listening too. Ive heard enough footsteps in the night, my old lady sneaking in the back door, the old man sneaking out the front. Who were they sneaking from? Neither one of them could have cared less. Ive heard the bottles falling and the blows falling. Ive heard the screaming and the cursing. ive heard the knife come out of the drawer and the footsteps running into the yard. ive heard the neighbores yelling and the sirens pulling up to the house. ive heard the lies to cover up the horror. ive heard the cops pull away and heard the fists again.

Woot! I love this play! I was in it in high school, and I played Jean, and won a regional acting award for it! (Not bragging, just listing my experience with the play:) Okay, well, you'll have to do your own character work. No one else can tell you "how to act" a character. But I'll give you a little of my interpretation of Jane. Just imagine growing up in Jane's situation: always walking on eggshells not to upset your dad. Hiding in your room to escape from the fighting. Wishing you had one of those perfect "Cleaver" families, but knowing you never will. Imagine the courage it took for you to finally run away, and the failure you must have felt when you were caught and put in Juvie--when your dreams of freedom were crushed. You're now being classified as a "delinquent". You feel unjustly treated, because you are not a bad person. You were just trying to escape, to create a new life for yourself. And think of how important it is for you to remain silent--because if they find out who you are, you'll just have to go back again. Back home. Back to hell. Just concentrate on your motivation, and what tactics you're going to use to achieve that motivation. well, that was overly complex and convoluted, but I hope it helped a bit! :) Email me with any questions! Break a leg!