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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> In the play "Romeo and Juliet" what is the... PLEASE HELP

-exciting force
-rising action
-climax/turning point
-falling action
-moment of final suspense

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: -exposition
-exciting force
-rising action
-climax/turning point
-falling action
-moment of final suspense

exciting force - Romeo meets Juliet
climax romeo marries juliet
turning point - Tybalt dies
falling action - Romeo is banisshed, Juliet must wed Paris, uses potion to appear dead

final suspense- Romeo goes back to die with Juliet unknowing that shes not truly dead

Catastrphe- ROmeo poisons himself, juliet wakes up to dead Romeo and Paris (romeo kills paris in cemetary) and kills herself as well.

(two familys end fued and make statues of gold of the other family's child)

Ends the fued by Sir Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet


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