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Question:Shakespeare The Tempest : How did Prospero treated different people?

Between ;

Act1 Scence2 , line 237~299
Act5 Scene 1 , lines 58~134

iF you at least give me ONE point of it
ill choose you . [bst ans]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Shakespeare The Tempest : How did Prospero treated different people?

Between ;

Act1 Scence2 , line 237~299
Act5 Scene 1 , lines 58~134

iF you at least give me ONE point of it
ill choose you . [bst ans]

Well, In Act I, Scene II, Lines 237~299, Prospero starts with praising and congratulating on his good work :

"Ariel, thy charge Exactly is performed. But there's more work. What is the time o' th' day?"

But then starts to give him more and more work. When Ariel complains at this and wants his freedom, Prospero almost mocks him as if such a ridiculous idea hadn't ever been concieved and then instructs him to keep quiet:

"Before the time be out? No more!"

Ariel then goes on to say about how Prospero should remember all that he has done for him and to honour his promise that he would set him free. Prospero then says how Ariel should be thanking him, rather than the other way round which shows how he uses and exploits Ariel and his powers:

"Dost thou forget from what a torment I did free thee?"

Prospero then has a rant, making Ariel feel small, as if he is Prospero's servant, of all the tortures that he freed him from and that he has forgotten all of that and is being ungrateful.

"Thou liest, malignant thing! Hast thou forgot the foul witch Sycorax, who with age and envy was grown into a hoop? Hast thou forgot her?"

Throughout Prospero's little speech, he persists on calling Ariel things such as 'dull thing' which shows how much he mistreates and exploites him. Let's not forget how powerless Prospero would be without Ariel, and Ariel without Prospero.

Prospero ends this exerpt by saying that if Ariel complains any more, he'll put him back in the tree that he came from for another twelve years, which again shows him being an aggressor and how he treats Ariel like a slave when, without him, he would be nothing.

In this speech, its important to bear in mind that the other characters are under a spell and do not hear it. However, Prospero starts by saying to Gonzalo that he feels sorry for him because he now knows how he feels, showing that he is treating Gonzalo empathatically. He then thanks Gonzalo (although he does not hear it) and says that he will reward him, not only in possessions but in actions too.

"To him you follow'st, I will pay thy graces. Home both in word and deed."

He then completely changes and is vengeful and angry towards Alonso and Sebastian, by saying how Alonso manipulated him and his daughter cruelly and how Sebastian helped. He then says that, although he is a monster, he will forgive Antonio because he is his brother.

Flesh and blood,
You brother mine, that entertained ambition,
Expelled remorse and nature, whom, with Sebastian,
Whose inward pinches therefore are most strong,
Would here have killed your king—I do forgive thee,
Unnatural though thou art.

He then instructs Ariel, for what would be one of the last times, to fetch his clothes and his sword from his chamber ("Fetch me the hat and rapier in my cell.") but assures him that he will soon be free, showing that he no longer treats him like a slave.

After hearing Ariel's song, Prospero, hit by a sudden change of mood, is very kind and pleasant towards him, complimenting him and saying how much he will miss him.

"Why, that's my dainty Ariel. I shall miss thee,
But yet thou shalt have freedom"

After this, he instructs Ariel to go, invisibly, to the ship, wake the Boatswain and lead them there, to which Ariel says that he'll go so fast that he'll burn the air itself and return in two heartbeats ("I drink the air before me, and return Or ere your pulse twice beat.")

Amazingly, he then goes around the group, to Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio and then to Sebastian, forgiving them all, despite their previous wrong-doings.

Hope this helps!

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