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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some good movies for a 13 year old to see thats in theaters right now?

Question:ehm i (being a 13 year old) wants to see...
-10,000 BC
-hortan hears a who (haha)

i wouldt really reccomend defiantly maybe..i saw taht..
and for 2 reasons.
-its kinda long and it drags out..
-your a guy and thats a girl movie (;

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ehm i (being a 13 year old) wants to see...
-10,000 BC
-hortan hears a who (haha)

i wouldt really reccomend defiantly maybe..i saw taht..
and for 2 reasons.
-its kinda long and it drags out..
-your a guy and thats a girl movie (;


really good comedy
and it's about 16 yrs old pregnent girl
its really funny and
it will teach you sort of things about ..
something to do with biology!!! ><

Horton hears a who.
great for all ages =]
very funny.